(3)The reason people who learned a skill or trade had to be an apprentice before getting hired was that the master of the profession wanted to make sure that the apprentice was good enough at the profession before they made the decision to hire anyone.(4) I think that I can do this job because I like to build a lot of things and I have had experience with my dad. I think that if my master teaches me well I will be able to build a lot of things by the time my master is done with me.
Today in class we did an experiment on how muscle fatigue works and what happens when muscle fatigue occurs. For the experiment we took normal clothespins and pinched the clothespins as much as we can in 30 seconds. After that we record how many squeezes we did in our science books. We did this process for 10 rounds! It got really tiring.Finally we made a chart for our results at http://nces.ed.gov/nceskids/createagraph/.
When I was looking at my chart. I saw that my trial's had a pattern because sometimes I didn't get a high number of squeezes but, then the next trial I get a much higher score. Over all I almost each trial decreased from the earlier trial. The pattern I found in my chart was probably indicating how muscle fatigue works. My partner's data was kind of similar because they were going up and down, but my partner's (I was in a group of three) got higher score's than me. I think my results are probably in between being reliable and not reliable. It's toward the non reliable side because my group could've been counting to slow or to fast. It i probably on the reliable side because we had at least two people counting for each other. Today in class we tested each other on reflexes, but only using on of our five senses! (1) I think that the sense that was most difficult with to catch the ruler was the sense of touch (the tap on the shoulder). I think that this sense was most difficult because you couldn't see anything. Also, I reported the information on my reflexes and they were the worst on the touch sense! The easiest sense I thought was the sight because you could see when the ruler is going to drop. (2) I could use the sense of smell to catch the ruler if my partner(Rowan) put a food with a strong smell in front of my face when she was going to drop the ruler to me, but I think it would be hard depending on what time I smell the food. I could use the sense of taste to catch the ruler if Rowan (my partner) put a french frie in my mouth or something tiny.
2) I had a fun time learning about this energy source. Researching and learning cool new facts was really interesting, when we all worked on little partd of the poster we got alot done. 3) The most challenging part about making this poster was trying to find enough stuff to put on our poster. 4) This poster can help us win the energy debates becasue when we are researching all about our energy source and we now know as much as we can about the basd things about Nuclear energy and the good things (which there are alot of:) ). When we know all the bad things we can find the solutions to those problems. Also, we would be able to defend any argument strongly.
This is a video of our first energy debate. The starting of this debate was really nerve racking, but once you get started it gets really fun!! Doing the Energy Debates is 21st Century because we collabrate a lot and we learn all of the energy Sources in a really cool way! I really wanted to win the energy debate;s because I wanted to do another debate, to participate in the debate I thought was better than being a judge. For the Revolutionary Timeline I had the event of when Thomas Paine wrote Common Sense. This event persuaded the citizens and colonies to see the obvious and that the colonies should break away from England. If I lived in the 1770's I would definitely want to break away from England. King George lll was taking to much money and control of the colonists. The colonies had the right to stand up for what they believed in. Today we finished reading an article about how we might be able to get energy from things other then the the basic energy sources we are debating on in the world already. Anaylysts had come up with a plan B, at that idea was to get energy from the waves and tidal waves! I think that this was a great idea. The analysts thought too because we are using now in 2012. The way they got this energy was that they put turbines in the ocean. The person who made this was Roger Bedard. This invention was a brilliant idea in my opinion was very creative and could almost produce as much electricity as the Severn dam but with less environmental impact, capital investment, and power variation.
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AuthorHi my name is Scout I am eleven years old and I like to play softball. This is my blog and I hope you like it:):) Archives
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