21st Century Grading and Assessment
(If any of the links below don't work, email me at [email protected] and I will email these out to you. Also, names have been removed to protect student privacy. Also, students have been randomized so they are not in alphabetical order - cool, huh?)
I have developed a 21st Century Report Card that identifies 34 skills that students should develop over the course of the year in my 5th grade classroom. These 34 skills are then broken down into subsequent behaviors that are observable and assessable. (Download it here as a PDF.)
I have developed a 21st Century Report Card that identifies 34 skills that students should develop over the course of the year in my 5th grade classroom. These 34 skills are then broken down into subsequent behaviors that are observable and assessable. (Download it here as a PDF.)
- First, I have my kids read through these collaboratively (it's crazy hard, but you'd be surprised at how well they do with encouragement and support!). We use iPads to help look up words we don't know. (Pictures of them working together on this.)
- Then, they assess themselves on a scale of 1-10 (I tell them that the highest they can get in the Fall trimester is an 8, a 9 in Winter, and a 10 in Spring).
- Next, students write 5 goals based on their relative weaknesses from the survey. These goals will be worked on over the course of the rest of the year. These goals require students to come up with three plans of action to go with each goal. (Download the Goal Sheet SOON here as a PDF.)
- Then, without looking at theirs, I assess them and include it with their standard report cards. (Download a sample student report here.)
- Then, I attach it to a Parent Version so parents know how each skill was graded. (Download the PDF here.)
- Then, I use the reports to focus my instruction over the remainder of the year. (Report 1, Report 2, Report 3)