I will have my students sign up for one of the quotes below. They will read their quote to the class, explain what it means for us in our class this year, and create a "quote poster" (using Glogster) that we will print out, mount, and hang in the hallway for others to learn from.
Communication and Teamwork
Data and Accountability
Experience and Practice
Family and Community
Innovation and Change
Leadership and Practice
Learning and Student Achievement
Policy and Practice
Teaching and the Classroom
- Asking good questions is more important than knowing the right answer. — Cheryl Scott Williams
- Be willing to listen to people who disagree with you. You might learn something new. — Michele Hancock
- Build a team, because more brains are better than one. — Tom Vander Ark
- None of us is as smart as all of us. — Charlene Gaynor
- To go fast, go alone. To go far, go together. — Tim Waters
- We need to work together to get results. — JD Hoye
Data and Accountability
- Challenge yourself and keep track of your progress and you will find success. — Stephanie Hirsh
- By definition, data can only tell you about the past. To ensure future success, you need to constantly learn and adapt. — Michael B. Horn
Experience and Practice
- Comfort leads to laziness. Always challenge yourself to learn more. — Rushton Hurley
- Each of us is the hero of our own story right here and right now. — Andrew Slack
- Everything we do well, we first must love. — Pam Allyn
- Failure often allows for opportunity. — Marguerite W. Kondracke
- Great potential exists in every child. — Naila Bolus
- We learn by doing. — Claudine K. Brown
- I love being proven wrong. — Anne L. Bryant
- Success is never final, and learning is never finished. — Jeb Bush
- The harder I work the luckier I get. — Ewan McIntosh
- The more I know, the more I know I don't know. — Rushton Hurley
- The most satisfying work requires continual learning. — Cheryl Scott Williams
- There is strength in humility (Know that you don't know everything.). — Rushton Hurley
- Thinking is not optional. — Charlene Gaynor
- We all have gifts and should look for a way to make a difference (My Marble Theory!). — Marguerite W. Kondracke
- Whatever I think I know now, in five more years I’m sure I’ll think some of that was foolish. — Michael B. Horn
Family and Community
- Everyone is a teacher and everyone is a learner. — Melany Reeves Stowe
- My grandchildren are the best teachers I have ever had. — Sally Ann Zoll
- Within a group lies the wisdom to solve its own problems. — Dan Cardinali
Innovation and Change
- Access to knowledge is social justice for all children. — Stuart E. Gothold, EdD
- Fair isn’t equal. — Ann Flynn
- Learning cannot stop within the walls of the classroom or the end of the school day. — Kyle Davie
Leadership and Practice
- Change is not the enemy. — Charlene Gaynor
- Just when everything looks perfect, that is the exact moment to ask, “What needs to get better?” — Sharon Robinson
- Leaders must regularly behave the way they want others to follow. — Roger Sampson
- Leadership requires envisioning opportunities and doing them without being told. — Chris Dede
- Trust and be nice—leadership is about learning, sharing and trusting. — Susan Patrick
Learning and Student Achievement
- All children can learn. — Tony Jackson
- Be better today than you were yesterday. — Melany Reeves Stowe
- Success comes from learning to solve problems. — Fernando Reimers
- Failure is not an option—it’s a requirement. — Rob Lippincott
- Intelligence is not limited to reading, writing, and mathematics. — Melany Reeves Stowe
- The skills and desire to learn and re-learn continuously (independently and with peers) will prepare students for a future of career changes. — Fernando Reimers
- The skills that are easiest for you to do are often the skills that are easiest for others to do - challenge yourself! — Andreas Schleicher
Policy and Practice
- Awareness, adaptability, creativity and collaboration are the most important 21st century skills. — Charles Fadel
- Civics (government) must be an integral part of every student’s education, from kindergarten through college. — Linda McCulloch
- You are what you eat. Nutrition should be taught and practiced at every school. — Linda McCulloch
Teaching and the Classroom
- I learn as I teach. — Rushton Hurley
- Be curious and wonder. Then care enough to find the answers. — Sharon Robinson