Today in class we are beginning to start our fourth Mystery Skype. It seems like a lot of Mystery Skype but it doesn't really seem like it. We are still learning new things about this 21st activity. Communicating with another class in a different place, it is really fun! OK, now we are going to start We just called the other class a couple of times, but they did not answer any of the calls so we have to wait a little bit. The class has not been responding so we are just going to move on to another subject. Hopefully the class calls back soon:(:(
Today we did an experiment on how difficult it can get when breathing. For this experiment we stuck different size straws doing different activities. The first trial was just sitting down (trying to relax) with a big sized straw in our mouths. Then we walked in place withthesame size straw and after that we did jumping jacks,while trying to breath through a straw!!! It was really difficult. Next we changed the size of the straw to a itty bitty tiny straw. With this straw we only sat in chairs because wee did not want to passout. The most difficult activities to do with the wide straw was, walking in place, and diffenitly jumping jacks. We started to breathe really fast trying to catch some air and some people said that they got dizzy. I think that the causes of these results was how big our breathing source was. We breath through our mouths with the help of our larynx but the size of our straws was letting air pass through our body really slow. Though it was hard breathing with the wide straw it got even harder with a thinner straw half the size as the wide one!! Breasthing through that straw was so difficult that we just did one activity so that we did not hurt ourselves. I think that I breathing rate changes when you are active becasuse you get used to breathing at a faster rate that your body soon adjusts to the fast pace. When you are inside all day playing video games or watching TV or something like that your breathing pace it always at a slow resting pace becuase of the very low effort that you need for these type of activities. Your body will soon adapt to that slow pace, and when you are forced to run it starts to gat very hard to breath and you tend to run or walk slower.
We are doing passion time in our class. This is a new activity that Mr. Solarz has made up. Passion time is where you can read, do research or just learn more about your passion! It is really fun.
Today we worked on a organizer
We are researching the Human Body and the first unit is about the muscular system. This expieriement shows how that a muscle is always working in your body. |
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AuthorHi my name is Scout I am eleven years old and I like to play softball. This is my blog and I hope you like it:):) Archives
May 2013
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