HumanHuman adaptations: We have adapted to be good at walking on two legs with earths gravity. We have adapted to see perfectly because of our brains and eye lens to see well. We have adapted to have hands to pick up objects. We have also made a brain with our cells to have a great thinking systom. | AliensAlien adaptations: Large eyes for seeing far in rocky terrain It has a sharp beak for picking at shrubs that grow in the rocks. Short unneeded arms. And long legs for walking around on the mountains with tail support. |
- Do we have cells similar to the aliens you created? How or why not?
- Yes they would. They would have the same cells we do to make Skin, bone and organs too.
- Humans (and probably aliens) have cells that have special functions. What are some of these cells and what organs and systems are they a part of? Give at least three examples and be specific. (Example: Osteoclasts are cells that make up spongy bone inside of many of our bones. This is part of the skeletal system.)
- There is the Clara cell of the lung, Von Ebner's gland cell for your taste buds, and Gland of Moll for your eyelid. I got this info on a google search