This trees data is that the CBH is 89 inches. The DBH is ______ inches
Reflection Questions :
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What's going on in Mr. Solarz' Class? |
This trees data is that the CBH is 89 inches. The DBH is ______ inches
A Rain drop story The power of me ,a rain drop is great but it doesn't come easy on my end just so you know. The first major pain is getting all squished together with other rain drops. It's so annoying to feel all of that friction on you. The falling is kind of fun actually because you get to free up, but landing on concrete is NOT! Then trickling down through all of those worms and mud. Gross! And getting burnt up by the core so I become vapor, Major pain! but like the fall the way up is fun because I get to see all of my friends and kind of just hand out. But then I have to do it again when I get to the clouds. Ow Did I tell you my name is Eddie?
The scorpion is a very interesting organism, especially in water! There is not much to find about it because a scorpion can go a whole year with NO water at all! But a scorpions do have some cool adaptations that involve water, one of which is going 2 DAYS under water! This is very cool because the average human can only live 1 minute under water. The next thing that scorpions can do instead of drinking water is to drinking condensed water from the air on a very fogy day. The last thing is that scorpions get liquid from there prey that they eat.
Mars is starting to sound like a very scary place! The thing that scares me most is the possibility that the air tight houses might get eroded and possibly getting locked in our house. I would not be able to do my job and I would not be able to even get food for the colony. This could be a devastating to my friends and I. I live in a semi cold place but the temperatures on mars are -80ºF. People can barley survive the cold after -70ºF. I had a friend who almost died from frost bite at -30º.The whole thing scares me a ton because this is one of the most important things for the earth right now. The streets are overflowed with people and we need a new planet. If this does not work people will have to travel over 200 light years for the next even possible planet to live on! I am going to start to invest in a few parts to make things out of them really soon! Kadlec Kopecky out!
The weirdest thing that I found was Hose wars for the use of water in this class. The most common thing was drinking water in the class.
This is my story from Liberation of Gabrial King.
Back a couple years ago I was riding a water tube that was attached to a speed boat on a lake in Wisconsin. Every thing was just about to start and I was being a total spaz about it and was totally pumped. As the boat was about to leave my aunt tells me " Thumbs up for more speed and down for less, alright!" "Totally just rev it up at the start, please!" I replied, happy as could be. I hopped right into that tube as my dad lumbered into about as ungracefully as possible. Right as we start I give my aunt double thumbs up and off we go. Every couple seconds I would give thumbs up to her, to make the boat go top speed. Just as I give a thumbs up and exhaling air I see out of the corner of my eye to long legs go on either side of me... "blub, blub" is all I hear for about 3 seconds but it seems like an eternity. Out of nowhere a hand comes and lifts me out of the water and sends me into fresh cold air that feels amazing. Its my dads hand that has "saved" me from drowning " O My God, Kee I am so sorry I tried to lay down and I totally flipped our raft!!" " It was parshally my fault ,I told aunt Judy to speed it up a lot." And that is how I almost drown on a tube. Lesson 1- Part 2 observing water
AuthorI am Keegan and love Hockey CategoriesArchives
May 2014