Most of our water is in the world's oceans. 71 percent of earth is covers with water. 97 percent of all water comes from ice caps, on the land, in rivers and lakes, and some underground. A tiny bit of the water is found in the air and is invisible. The ocean water is very salty and our bodies can't use water that is saltier than our blood.The ocean gets most of is salt from rivers. The river water is not very salty. But once the river water passes over land they take tiny amount of dissolved salt from rocks and soil. Once the river hit the ocean it bring the salt with it. After a long time a lot of salt is left behind because of the evaporation witch the salt stays behind and latter on makes the water salty. The faster the water evaporates the saltier the ocean gets. This means that some parts of the ocean are saltier then others. There are four steps in the water cycle. The amount of water vapor depends on whether the air is over a wet area or a dry area. Humanity is the amout of water vapor in the air. The water vapor in an air mass also comes from the water or land below it. The air mass also from the water or land below. Air masses that forms over wet areas collect more water vapor than air masses that forms over dry lands. Clouds are made up of tiny rain drops of water or crystals of ice.
Most of our water is in the world's oceans. 71 percent of earth is covers with water. 97 percent of all water comes from ice caps, on the land, in rivers and lakes, and some underground. A tiny bit of the water is found in the air and is invisible. The ocean water is very salty and our bodies can't use water that is saltier than our blood.The ocean gets most of is salt from rivers. The river water is not very salty. But once the river water passes over land they take tiny amount of dissolved salt from rocks and soil. Once the river hit the ocean it bring the salt with it. After a long time a lot of salt is left behind because of the evaporation witch the salt stays behind and latter on makes the water salty. The faster the water evaporates the saltier the ocean gets. This means that some parts of the ocean are saltier then others. There are four steps in the water cycle. The amount of water vapor depends on whether the air is over a wet area or a dry area. Humanity is the amout of water vapor in the air. The water vapor in an air mass also comes from the water or land below it. The air mass also from the water or land below. Air masses that forms over wet areas collect more water vapor than air masses that forms over dry lands. Clouds are made up of tiny rain drops of water or crystals of ice.