There was a party in the darkest woods. The only light was spot light all different. Where the party supplies were at was the top of the tree with branches and leaves. The trees never let in sun light to grow new trees. The brick house that was on the top of the trees was beatify. The house was always filled with a lot of people. The gate that leads you to the house was old and very rusty but no one cared because everyone is having fun. The people that always threw those parties were always having fun and were always chasing each other.
Can you feel it when your pupils dilate?
I cannot feel my pupils dilate at all because they do it on their own. Also I cannot control them. 2. Do you have any control over your pupils when they dilate? I do not have control over my pupils when they dilate because if I did they would be taking in too much light or to little at the wrong times. 3. What do we call this when a reflex happens without our control? This happens without our control so that we do not let to much light in or to little light in. 4. Why do our pupils get bigger in the dark and smaller in the light? The pupils get bigger in the dark to get lighter and get smaller in the light to get less light. 5. How does this reflex protect our eyes? The reflex protects our eyes so they can do not get hurt.
1. How many heart beats did you think you would have in one year before extrapolating? Were you close or far off?
I thought that I would have 15,256,200 heart beats in a year. As I was getting farther I started to wonder if I was to low from the actually answer. But when I was finished the answer of heart beats we to low by 16279800 heart beats. 2. Explain what "extrapolating" means to younger children? Mathematics To estimate (a value of a variable outside a known range) from values within a known range by assuming that the estimated value follows logically from the known values. 3. What are some other things you can extrapolate? Give some example. You can extrapolate your heart rate like we did in class. You can also extrapolate the heart beats of an animals It is turning brown because it split in half and is in the air. The smell is like a very good flower. The skin is very hard. It has green veins. There are small white specks. The veins start at the heart of the apple and spread out. It has seeds that are brown and are able to be used to grow more apples. The apple is very juicy. It is made up of tiny bubbles. The inside of the apple is greenish yellow. The area around the seeds is very hard. There is a hold at the bottom of the apple. The skin of the apple is red. When I cracked the apple in half it made a noise. Why were you able to observe so many things about your apple today? |
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