- Questions that I need to answer.
- What three basic things do our bodies need in order survive?
- If we exert ourselves, what are three (or more) signs that our bodies are in distress?
- What can we do to make these signs go away?
1.The basic thing that are body needs to survive are water, food, and sleep.
2.One of them is heavy breathing: This happens because are bodies need more air so that we can push are selves more of make us go longer. For example long distance runners need to keep a steady breath so that they do not get tired. Another sign of exertion is pain in the muscles: This is a sign of getting stronger in that spot and going past the limit of what that muscle is use to.Heart beating rapidly: This is happening because your heart is trying to pump blood mere rapidly.
3.You can stop working out so that your heart and muscles have a break.