I did so many fun games and things at alcove spring! Some of those games were tag, sac races, horse races, cats cradle, and London bridge! The only thing that got annoying was when I was doing horse racing lots and lots of dirt went on me and my eyes, and that really hurts! Also in the horse racing, I came in 3rd place out of 17 people! The food is a whole different story though... Most of the food that we eat we have to eat 3 times every day, and we almost never get deserts. The only thing that I'm not sick of is the oatmeal. I really wish that we could have a variety of foods right now, because like I said, most of the food that we have tastes like junk, but I am thankful for it because we actually have food! Now, here's the big list of chores that I have to do: laundry, dishes, hunting, and walking... So far, walking is the worst!!! We have had to walk so much in the last 5 weeks on the Oregon trail. But I guess that I do have it better than our oxen!!! They have had to walk all the way like slaves, with hundreds of pounds they have to carry with people whipping making them keep going. I bet if they would have had to walk another 15 miles without rest, they would probably have collapsed with the weight!!! But so far, this stop has been so fun!!!
Earths Water is 97.24% salt water! We can't drink salt water! And only 0.001% is in the air! 0.01% was the only water in the! 0.61% is the water in the ground! 2.14% is in the ice! Reflection:
I was so surprised about how much water there is on Earth that is salt water. To be exact, I thought that 50% would be salt water on Earth and I was sooooo wrong! The real answer was 97.24% of water on Earth is salt water! Isn't that amazing! I was also really surprised when Mr. Solarz said that only 0.001% is water from the air and a whole 2.14% of water from ice. That is so cool!!! I really need to use less water in a day so that I won't waste it!!! 1. Trappers came to yellow stone park to kill and get beavers for there felt. 2. Yellow stone was a very rouged place. 3. People crossing yellow stone used obsidian to make arrowheads for there arrows. 4. Yellow stone got about 6 feet of snow nobody really wanted to stay there. 5. There was lots of volcanic glass in yellow stone. 6. In yellow stone there hasn't been any volcanic eruptions in about 600,000 years. 7. In yellow stone, there is lots of petrified wood there. 8. There are also lots of geysers such as old faithful geyser. The opening for this geyser is about the size of your fist, and that is where the pressure is. The temp. of the geyser is around 400 degrees. Reflection:
To me, this Skype was really cool and helpful for the Oregon Trail Simulation. It really didn't have anything to do with the Oregon Trail, but it will help us along the way, such as with the geysers, the volcanoes, the rocks, and the hot springs. These will really help. I learned so much from this lesson about what the people on the Oregon Trail took with them. I took a soccer ball (Because its my favorite thing to do), and the rest of the things that we will need with us on the Oregon Trail. My family is heart-broken, and we miss home already, but we all know that when we get to Oregon we will have a much better and easier life. We all wanted to use a Prairie Schooner as our wagon for traveling and storage, and I think that this decision will help us through the journey. It really surprised me that we got oxen to pull us though. I thought that we would get mules to pull our wagon because they can go longer that oxen. But I guess now that I think about it I realize that the mules are very hard to control and tame, while oxen are much easier to do so. We also brought extra things for the wagon just in-case a part of the wagon broke. We took extra king-bolts and axles, and hopefully we have enough to last us until the first fort that we travel by. But so far, we are doing okay through Trail! This is the Solvr Page This is our Google Doc
- Lots of food and bison that we are going to be able to hunt and get food and materials to survive and thrive! - There are 17 rivers that we are going to have to cross and 20 peaks and mountains that we have to cross too! - On each large wagon it is about three and half feet wide and ten feet long and they try to keep the weigh limit less than 1 and a half tons, which is a lot for the size of the wagon. The wagon is just a little bit smaller than a medium size. - The Oregon Trail was just a little bit worn down, not too much trees, and it also had dirt. -
My Reflection:
Thank you so much Richards! It was so fun learning about wolves! I thought that I knew a lot about them but I was so amazed about he knew and so much I learned! This is so fun!
Overall, I think that the Science Fair was a valuable experience because I learned more about myself, I learned about my topic, and I got less embarrassed in front of people and on video.
I definitely made some mistakes along the way, but I learned from them. Here are some examples: One was when I was so embarrassed on the first video and I kept messing up. This taught me that I shouldn't be afraid of something not very important. If I were give the chance to do anything differently, I would probably make myself more confident.
Salamanders use water in many different ways than humans, and some ways are the same. The salamanders use water because if they didn't have it, they would die. They would die because the water helps them stay clean from oils, infections, diseases, molds, and bacteria. This is why if you touch a salamander, they would die soon after from the oils on your finger. That isn't the only way that they use water. They lay there eggs in water cool themselves down in water, and they drink water. We both use it in keeping cool, and many other ways down below. As you can see, they use water a lot! How Humans and Salamanders Use and Need Water
Circumference: 66 inches Distance from man-made object: 78 inches Circumference: 52 inches Distance from man-made object: 40 inches Circumference: 86 inches Distance from man-made object: 525 inches
Water Story The first thing that happens to water when you think about it is when it rains. This is when the water falls from the clouds and drips down to Earth. That is the first part that happens to water. Now, that next thing you may think is, well, "doesn't the water just disappear?" Well, that doesn't ever happen! The next thing that happens in a water cycle is to drip down to a place where the water just stops moving along. Such as when the water drips onto a mountain, the water collects together and forms a stream, then a river, then a flood. And then the water runs down that mountain and soon finds a hole, a lake, or even an ocean. But it doesn't stop there! Soon, with heat, the water in the lake/ocean/hole, evaporates, which means that it sort of turns into a gas, just like steam. The difference is that the steam you can see, but the water after it evaporates, is invisible. And it doesn't stop there either! Soon after the water becomes water vapor (evaporated water), it starts to fly. As it flies, it soon reaches the clouds where the water vapor becomes water again and goes into the cloud! Soon, the whole water cycle starts over again, starting when it rains!
A man made resource is a thing that wasn't just in nature. It was made by humans.
A natural resource is a resource that people didn't create. It was just there. Water is a natural resource because nobody made it. It was just there. People didn't make it. Some things that weren't made by people is trees, flowers, and grass. I learned so much about Mars in the reading today, even though I am the Leader of the group. I learned lots about all of the things there and problems that we will probably face during our long trip to Mars and while we are there. I am getting a little nervous about the trip to Mars because if I mess up, it might kill everybody. A lot of the pressure is on me. The hard part about surviving on Mars is that there is no water, there are volcanoes, our bones can deteriorate, asteroids could hit us, and the land is very bumpy which means that it will be hard to build on Mars. I hope that Alfred Age (Sean G.) can find out a way that we can build on land that never has an end to bumps and hills. I also hope that Damien Startseva (Anthony A.) can find a way to make a meteor shield or something like that so that we won't get hit by a meteor rock. I can't wait to get there and explore! This will probably be so much fun, and I just hope that my friends and I do well on Mars to survive!
How I use water for drinking and eating:
- I use water when I am thirsty because you need water to live. - I use water when I clean the dishes. - I use water to cook some food, like spaghetti. How I use water for keeping clean: - I use water when I take a shower. - I use water for washing my hands after using the restroom, before eating, and etc. - I use water to clean scrapes and cuts. - I use water to clean clothes with the washing machine. How I use water for caring for pets: - I use water to give my guinea pigs the nutrients that they need. - I use water for cleaning my dog. - I use water for my fish so he can survive because without water, they can't live. How I use water for playing: - I use water when I play in the pool. - I use water when i play water-gun fights. - I use water to play in the sprinkler. - The most common things that people use water for is drinking it and using it in a shower. These are very common because everybody does this. - The least common or unusual things to use water for is to use the washing machine and watering plants and flowers. The Day that I almost Drowned Back when I was 8, I was in the pool at Olympic. I was having so much fun going off of the large slide there. My routine was to climb up the ladder, jump into the tub at the top, and slide down as fast as I could. Soon I decided that I shouldn't just sit down, I should lay on my back down the slide! At that time, I was so stupid that I didn't even take a break from going down the slide that on about the 100th time that I slid down, I had the scariest moment of my life! I had been perfectly fine until that last time that made me never want to go off there again! This is what had happened. I was going down the slide at a remarkable speed, with my head and back on the bottom of the slide. I had no idea when I was going to go splash, because I didn't see anything other than the ceiling. Suddenly, it happened. I felt my feet hit the water in a millisecond, and didn't get a chance to take a breath. Before I knew it, I was under water fully, with no sense of direction of which way was up! I began to take a chance. I swam with all my might towards the way that I thought was up. Wham! I hit the floor of the pool, and the bubbles from my mouth burst out. My eyes streamed open and I saw light. I panicked, (Even though I already had!). It felt like hours before I finally busted out of the water. My lungs gasped for air, and the lifeguards heaved me out of the water. I said,"I, am never, doing, that, again!"
Notes 1. They are trying to prove that there is life on Mars such as aliens or animals. They are going to try and figure that out.
2. They will search for valuable minerals on Mars. 3. And they will also test the feasibility of us living on Mars.
The tree house had never been seen before, and Max Greenman was the very first to find it. He had been runnig through the woods when he saw some red light, and he was very curious. "What is that?" He said out loud to himself.
He scurried up the red lit trees, and he was surprised to find that he was already at the top. He was very astonished, and his mouth dropped open in awe. The red lit branches shone below him, and he instantly climbed inside of the tree house. He couldn't wait to see what was inside! I was absent for this. You told me not to do it.