We moved West because of the soil. We wanted to go West because the soil is very good to farm in. Also, we moved West because with all of the soil, we can use it to plant food to eat, to trade with people for money, and also to own land that will help us survive. Besides the soil, the weather and climate is very good in the West too. It is not too cold, and not too hot, just the right temperature for plants and food to grow. The sun was also all ways up too, and it never got blocked out. This was my reason that we traveled West. Other people traveled West for the same reasons! Most of them were farmers, just like us! They all wanted wealth, and new life, and fertile farming grounds. But the main reasons that they moved is because people were tricking them and saying that this place is amazing and saying things that aren't even possible! The reason that the people were tricking others was because which ever country, United States or England, got the most people to move there before 1858, it would become their own state. Now, I can't wait to tell you about my past! I was from Russia, and I heard about this amazing place that had gold, good, fertile soil, and also amazing wealth! I asked my family if we could move, and we all were like, "Yea, lets do this!" I have a wife Mary, and two kids, Matthew and Susan. We all wanted to move here, so we did! It was a long, hard journey! It took us around a year, and the long ship ride was dreadful! We all got sick, and Susan got close to dieing! But we all made it here o.k.! I'm so exited to start on the Oregon Trail because it will be full of adventure and fun! |