Salamanders use water in many different ways than humans, and some ways are the same. The salamanders use water because if they didn't have it, they would die. They would die because the water helps them stay clean from oils, infections, diseases, molds, and bacteria. This is why if you touch a salamander, they would die soon after from the oils on your finger. That isn't the only way that they use water. They lay there eggs in water cool themselves down in water, and they drink water. We both use it in keeping cool, and many other ways down below. As you can see, they use water a lot!
How Humans and Salamanders Use and Need Water
Humans 1. Humans use water for drinking and keeping themselves hydrated. Salamanders drink or get water in a different way. 2. Humans don't use water when they have birth but salamanders on the other hand use water this way because they lay there eggs in the water. 3. Humans also use water to clean themselves so that no infections or diseases get on them. | Both 1. They both use water for swimming and splashing around. The only difference is that salamanders swim in very small ponds and rivers. Humans usually swim in pools. 2. They both use the water to keep clean and be safe in there own different ways. 3. We both use water cool ourselves down. | Salamanders 1. Instead of drinking water, they absorb water into their skin and that goes to there body and organs. 2. Another way that salamanders use water is when they lay there eggs. Instead of laying them on land or on a lily pad they lay there eggs underwater. 3. The salamander also use water because if they didn't have it, they would die. They would die because the water helps them stay clean from oils, infections, diseases, molds, and bacteria. This is why if you touch a salamander, they would die soon after from the oils on your finger. |
Questions 1. Why is water considered a "Natural Resource?" 2. How is water essential (required) to our survival and the survival of all living things? | Answers 1. Water is a natural resource because you can't exactly make water, but you can take water from gasses. 2. Water is required for all living things because you need water to drink, stay clean, wash hands, and many other things that humans don't do. |