Water and Weather on Earth 1. 71% of Earth is covered with water. 2. Almost 97% of the water on Earth is from all of the oceans. 3. Ocean water is salty, with some of that salt the salt that we put on our food. 4. The total amount of water on Earth never changes. 5. Clouds are made up of tiny droplets of water or crystals of ice. Protecting Earths Resources 1. A resource is a type of energy or materiel that people use. 2. A renewable resource is a materiel that can be used again or made again. 3. A nonrenewable resource is a materiel that can't be made fast enough or it can't be made again at all. 4. Solar Energy is energy that comes from the sun's rays. It will last as long as the sun is shining. 5. Hydroelectric means to move water to make electricity. People have used this resource for hundreds of years. |