Circumference: 66 inches
Distance from man-made object: 78 inches
Distance from man-made object: 78 inches
Circumference: 52 inches
Distance from man-made object: 40 inches
Distance from man-made object: 40 inches
Circumference: 86 inches
Distance from man-made object: 525 inches
Distance from man-made object: 525 inches
| A 1. I measured 3 trees. The first had a circumference of 66 inches. The next had one of 52 inches, and the last had one of 86 inches. 2. I think that all of those trees were old and well established because they all were pretty big and none of them were sagging and/or dead. 3. The first tree was 78 inches away, the second was 40 inches away, and the last tree was 525 inches away from a man-made object. 4. I also figured out that a lot of the trees at Westgate were planted at different times because of there size and circumference. They were different. |