Some of the things that surprised me is that The rich people of the village hog 85% of the people in the worlds money! Something else that I thought was interesting was 10 of the very poor people only get around $2 a day or less, witch adds up to around $700 dollars a year, while the rich people got around $87,000 dollars a year! It also surprised me that food, possessions and a place to live costs around 5,000 dollars a year! That means that some of the poor people wouldn't have a place to live, food to eat, and anything that they could own. The fact that so many people don't have food and money makes me very sad. I also think that 1 billion people that can't read but should because they don't have enough money to go to school is also very frustrating to me. Someday I am going to want to change how things work around here and help most of the people in need. I think that I could do this by making a club that donates money and works as a group to go to a place in the world, donate money and time, and show them how to do what they are struggling with. If it was something like they didn't have clean water, I would take that money and make them a well so they could have clean water. I could also donate time by helping show them how to farm to get food. I think that this would help this world a lot! |