- Why is a project like the Revolutionary War Hero Project a good one?
- What is one thing that you learned about your hero that you found interesting that other people probably don't know?
- Explain how you would have liked to use ThingLink on an activity that we did earlier in the year. Which activity was it? How would you have used the tags? Why would that have been a good use of our class time?
1. The Rev project is a good project because you can get to know the Revolutionary war timeline and learn something new from a Revolutionary war hero. I really learn some cool stuff about Benjamin Franklin because before I new only 3 things! 1. *He did a dumb kite experiment. 2. he's fat. 3. I thought he never did anything!
2. One thing I bet you DIDN'T know is that Ben was the only Founder to sign the ( In Timeline order) The Declaration of Independence, Treaty of Paris, and The Constitution. How this happen? Well you see He did just do what the others Founders do. Got a invitation. Then after we got Independence from England, He was sent on a business trip to France, By the time he got to a city called Paris the war was near over and while in the city he went in a meeting and signed a document known today as The Treaty of Paris. So he decided to go home. But by the time he got there a letter was being sent to Framers saying that The Constitution was being held so Ben decided to go.
3. I think the rube gold berg project could have had the thinglink. We could use the tags to show how the contraption works. this would Not be a waist of time.