BRITISH: They won many battles like the battle of Bunker Hill.
AMERICANS: A good,and great general.
BRITISH: Better armed and better trained.
AMERICANS: Ailed with French
BRITISH: Ailed with Germany
AMERICANS: Attacked Germans on Christmas (Germans Surrender)
( Final battle)
AMERICANS: Sneak Attack on British In Yorktown.
BRITISH: Wasn't Prepared for Battle.
AMERICANS: A good,and great general.
BRITISH: Better armed and better trained.
AMERICANS: Ailed with French
BRITISH: Ailed with Germany
AMERICANS: Attacked Germans on Christmas (Germans Surrender)
( Final battle)
AMERICANS: Sneak Attack on British In Yorktown.
BRITISH: Wasn't Prepared for Battle.
How did we win???

Well, everyone knows if we didn't team up with French England would win the war, Because the continental army was just a group of farmers and hunters we were a very weak army, and England was the best army in the WORLD!!! some said that England will destroy us! But to see if we were right, we went to the gym and put are skills to the test in a mega game of tug-of-war. At first it looked like the red coats were going to win, but then the french came and brought them to Yorktown. Where the red team fell and the blue team WON!!! And so to prove are rights. America won by a little help!