I have a cool Scratch account! See all the projects at http://scratch.mit.edu/users/d610. If you have trouble doing the game below, don't worry! Just go to http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/d610/2038516.
I have a youtube channel! I just wanted to share these videos I made. See the others at http://www.youtube.com/user/leftysketchstudios! We dissected apples in class! Here is what people described the apple as... It smells caramelly. Its skin does not have a smell. It smells sweet and sour at the same time, almost like an apple is two things. It feels velvety, like the inside of my oboe case. It is wet and moist. The outside feels smooth, like plastic. The core feels crusty. It looks the color chartreuse on the outside. Sometimes it is red. It has speckles on its skin. There are lines on the inside. It sounds hard when you hit the apple. If you put the apple up to your ear, its echo sounds like the ocean. If you rub it, it makes a soft popping noise. Where it is brown at the top, it looks like an explosion and feels rough, like sandpaper. It is also very crusty. The apple is sticky. As you get deeper into the apple, it gets wetter. It also gets much, much softer, like a banana's inside. The core is much harder to push through. You cannot scratch the core with a toothpick. The places you try to pick with your pick turn brown. A chunk of apple insides are wavy, chunky, and stringy. They are basically translucent. You can see little drops of water on this chunk. On the core, it is hard and brown. It doesn't really taste that different. (I accidentally ate a whole apple, core and all, in third grade.) See the whole conversation at http://todaysmeet.com/applecore!
![]() Today in class we made motivational posters. On Tuesday we completed a twelve-page packet about 21st century skills. Both of them showed me a lot about 21st century learning because we had to go through some 21st century skills to answer each question or make each poster (about 21st century skills). Why should we use hydropower? There are lots of reasons! We can use hydropower because...
We can use hydropower for as long as time goes on. It relies on the water cycle, which means water doesn’t disappear like garbage. If the solar people say that solar is better because it relies on the sun, we can say ours does too because the water cycle relies on the sun. Hydropower doesn't use any fuels like, fossil fuels, oil, gases, or burning waste. Hydropower uses no fuel at all period.Technically, water isn’t a “fuel” because you don’t burn water. It wouldn’t be possible! Water is clean because it doesn’t pollute at all! You use it to spin a turbine, not to put icky, yucky pollution in the air! Hydropower doesn't blow a bunch of icky brown stuff in the sky that pollutes, unlike fossil fuels ☹ But hydro power keeps the Earth clean☺!!! and Wall-e doesn't have extra work to do with hydro power! It is also cheap to use and saves you tons of money. (At least, once you build the hydropower plant!) It costs the least among other energy. (See chart at bottom of page!) And, public pools charge money, and a reservoir is technically a public pool! Hydropower is great because after you build a dam hydropower is free. So, we should use hydropower for lots of reasons. But there are much more than the ones we explained! Like, hydropower can be used forever until the human race becomes extinct! Here are some more: There is a lot of water so it can power more things and is the least expensive type of energy. Hydropower is the most significant renewable energy source. Hydropower is the only renewable energy source that is in some measure competitive with fossil fuels.Hydropower is clean renewable energy source that doesn't pollute environment.Hydropower's air emissions are insignificant because there are no fuels burned. Hydropower is a very efficient energy source because some turbines can achieve efficiency of 95 % and more. Hydropower's advantage over other renewable energy sources is the fact that average rainfall is highly predictable and therefore output is reliable and river flow doesn't change from minute to minute like is the case with wind energy. Hydropower is renewable energy source that doesn't cause global warming because it doesn't releases dangerous greenhouse gases. Hydropower doesn’t produce any air pollutants that cause acid rain and smog. Hydropower is the least expensive renewable energy source in the USA. Hydropower's primary use is to produce electricity. Hydropower rocks! Hydropower accounts for 70 % of produced electricity in northwestern United States. Hydropower can be used anywhere in the world where there's falling water. The places where there isn’t any water get hydro-created power from long-distance power lines. Hydropower doesn't smell bad like biomass and fossil fuels. Hydro power doesn't give the power company a $1,000,000 tax- you get a “1¢” tax! So, there are lots of reasons we should choose hydropower. So, let’s make our country more awesome by using hydropower! |
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