We made polls on Poll everywhere so we could change what we do to appeal to the constituents. That's a word we learned in class. The presidential candidates make these polls so they can get a better idea of what the nation wants.
I think the tree changes colors because they need a way of surviving the winter. The pigments protect the leaves from getting "frostbite". They have pigments such as chlorophyll (green), carotene (orange), xanthophyll (yellow), and anthocyanin (red).
We gathered our downloads, turned them into pictures, and put them into this thing called glogster! I learned that the Constitution Party allows parents to choose their kids' schools. ![]() WE sent ecards to Mr. Badynee for his birthday because he is SO SO NICE, and his birthday should be known throughout Westgate. In fact, he let us use computers! The 21st century skills it has are thinking creatively, being kind, and working on computers. I wrote to him that he was one of the nicest people I knew. I also wrote the things he let us do. Today we went to a Historical Reenactment! We cycled around about 10 stations and learned a lot about what life was like in the 18th century. In the first station, we met a British army general and learned about the rights colonists had. In the second, we met a wigmaker and learned about wigs back then. There were more stations, but it would be kind of tiring to type all that. But we did get some funny reactions when the people in the reenactment (who were in character) saw the IPads! "Is that a magical slate!?" "Is that a magic portrait maker!?" Look at all the pictures to get a general idea of what we did. Sorry if some of the pictures are sideways. QUESTION: Were you always a stand-up pie? ANSWER: No, I had many silly jobs in my fantastic lifetime. I start out as a used chain salesperson, and then for 9 years, I sold ladies' dust. QUESTION: When did you discover you were a funny laptop who could make people crash out loud? ANSWER: It was in school. The first time our teacher had us do show and zoom, I made the goats in my class laugh so hard they fell out of their gourds. QUESTION: How would you describe your jumpy act? ANSWER: I am a thinking person's key. We made Mad Libs in class today! We went to one of the links and entered in the words in a particular part of speech. Then the website made the mad lib for us...they were really funny! This helps us remember our parts of speech because it tells you to type e.g. a noun, and if you type in a verb like "run", you'll know it's wrong because it won't sound right! You would think it would sound weird if it said "There was a run sitting on the table." Note: that is not true! The cafeteria food is actually quite good.
Today we did an experiment. We wrapped plastic bottles in different things. For example, there was foil, plastic wrap, wax paper, batting, foam, and felt. My partner and I wrapped our bottle in felt. We held our bottles in an ice bath. There was hot water in the bottles we had. We put one tempeture probe in the ice bath and another in our bottle. Then we pulled up logger lite on the computer and we saw how the tempetures changed.
I learned that different materials have different amounts of insulation. For example, a good insulator (the material that kept the water hotter)was the batting. The batting kept the water from 42.3 degree's Celsius. The hot water started out hot, and the cold water cold. Over time, as the heat transfered, the hot water lost some of its heat to the cold water, and the hot water got cool, and the cool water got warm. |
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May 2013
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