When I met Angus McClain he was telling us all the things you need to know when your out hunting or in the wild. He was explaining all the things. One of the things he was telling us about was a a tiny steel box. The whole time it was sitting there I wondered what was inside. Inside there was a tiny little candle that was used when you were out. It made amazing storage.Another thing he carried around was a sword. he used that for.
One of the other historical figures was John Ira Park. He was interesting because he was the man who collected data for map makers.
Another person I enjoyed Christine Mcleen, the in-keeper.She told us all about the life she lived and things she she did in her Inn. What she did was feed her guest and change the sheets.
One of the other historical figures was John Ira Park. He was interesting because he was the man who collected data for map makers.
Another person I enjoyed Christine Mcleen, the in-keeper.She told us all about the life she lived and things she she did in her Inn. What she did was feed her guest and change the sheets.