I predict that
I think the best conductor would be brass.
I think the second best conductor would be copper.
I think the third best conductor was aluminum .
I think the forth best would be wood.
The worst conductor is plastic.
These are my predictions.
Describe how the heat energy transferred from the hot plate to the butter. Answer: The hot plate traveled to the jar, into the water. The water changed the temperature of the rod as a conductor. As a result the butter melted due to the heat.
How did the results compare to your predictions. Answer: All of my answers and prediction were of by a ton. I got none of them corrector.
Which of the tested materials were the two best conductors? What is your evidence? Answer: The two best materials or conductors were copper and Aluminum. MY evidence was that the butter of those two slid first. These two were the best conductors.
Which of the tested materials were the two worst conductors? What is your evidence? Answer: The two worst conductors were the plastic and the the bamboo wood. The evidence is that those to slid last. The plastic slid first but the wood didn't even start to melt till the end when it slid.
Do you think water is a good or poor conductor? Why? Answer: I think water was a good conductor because it can trigger things. That is why you shouldn't swim during a lightning storm because the lightning could shock you. Also when you heat things up it heats up too.
Why do you think it matters which material is a good or bad conductor? How do we use conductors in our life? Answer: IT matters because good conductors are sometime easier and quicker to use. We use conductors in are life when we are cooking. When we use hot water and burners these are conductors.
I think the best conductor would be brass.
I think the second best conductor would be copper.
I think the third best conductor was aluminum .
I think the forth best would be wood.
The worst conductor is plastic.
These are my predictions.
Describe how the heat energy transferred from the hot plate to the butter. Answer: The hot plate traveled to the jar, into the water. The water changed the temperature of the rod as a conductor. As a result the butter melted due to the heat.
How did the results compare to your predictions. Answer: All of my answers and prediction were of by a ton. I got none of them corrector.
Which of the tested materials were the two best conductors? What is your evidence? Answer: The two best materials or conductors were copper and Aluminum. MY evidence was that the butter of those two slid first. These two were the best conductors.
Which of the tested materials were the two worst conductors? What is your evidence? Answer: The two worst conductors were the plastic and the the bamboo wood. The evidence is that those to slid last. The plastic slid first but the wood didn't even start to melt till the end when it slid.
Do you think water is a good or poor conductor? Why? Answer: I think water was a good conductor because it can trigger things. That is why you shouldn't swim during a lightning storm because the lightning could shock you. Also when you heat things up it heats up too.
Why do you think it matters which material is a good or bad conductor? How do we use conductors in our life? Answer: IT matters because good conductors are sometime easier and quicker to use. We use conductors in are life when we are cooking. When we use hot water and burners these are conductors.