The first few days in Boston have gone well. I have gotten a job as a Yeoman, a farmer who owns her own land. I picked this job because farm land is fun to be around, animals and everything. I had a pretty easy time finding some to teach me to be how to do the job I have. She is very wise. She has taught me how to raise crops and animals. My favorite that I have done so far was grow the zucchini. I am living in my bosses home, Rena Yeoman, not far from the river . It was a breeze making my Rena let me stay in her suite. The first day was great. I met my wonderful boss. My life here is very different from my life in 2013. Everything is very quiet where I am. You can hear he river flow and the birds chirping. But once you get into the main land where the red coats are everything is loud. | |