taylor_s. |
What we are doing, in class today is, experimenting with heat transfers. How this works is we open an app called Logger Lite. After we did that, we plugged in two USB tempurtures probes(thermometers) and we activaded them for 30 minutes. During that 30 minutes, their has been unusuall jumps, drops, and crosses(WHAT? WOW!?).We where suprised when they crossed because the cold ring(outer part)has two elements to warm it up but, the inner ring(inside cicle)has only one element(the heat in the air).
Couple of days ago, what we did in science is, fair tests. What does fair test mean? Easy. A fair test means that when you do an experiment, you make it, or do it equally, so you can get the most accurate answer.Anyways what we did, as a whole class, couple days ago was dropping two different balls and seeing which one would bounce higher.
We had to make it equall, so we had to:drop it on the same surface(carpet or tiles), drop it from the same height(eye level), and drop it with the same force, same time. After we did our fair test at least 3 times and recorded it atleast 3 times, we found our average of each ball bouncy height(ball 1 and ball 2) we wrote:the_____ball bounced higher than the_____ball by _________ centimeters. I hope you learned what a fair test is and what we did in class!!!!:P Please leave a comment!!
1. This year will be great because I have lots of friends, and a teacher that is teaching 21st century style!
2. I have learned a lot of different enrgy sources such as elastic energy, solar energy, gravitaional energy,etc;. 3. My goal for this year is to keep up with my group because I tend to go at my own pace wich means I slow my group down. I learned quite a bit about political parties in class today. Here are some of the highlights:
What's up guys! I'm Ian. Hey thanks for clicking on "Blog 20"! I love karate(I am a black belt!), and baseball, too. I also love to play video games!!! Enjoy all of my posts! (^-^) Archives
May 2013
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