I am scared for Mars, so many things could go wrong. I would need SPF 5000 to survive the suns hot rays and radiation. If a dust storm stirs up, or if the cold kicks in, were totally screwed. The temperatures can go to below -200 degrees! And the dust storm can last for weeks. Me, being an explorer, should be most scared. If a extreme condition comes out when I'm out I would be dead in a second. I might suffocate or freeze or get dehydrated or cancer. I starting to have second thoughts about Mars. But then again this could be an amazing experience, just thinking about the so many constellations and the new lands to explore and see. I could be a Colombian hero! My friend Noreen the astronamer is running around with her head cut off about the stars and the things we might see! The architect Alfred, must be ecstatic about the gravity levels, since there is hardly any, we can make buildings 3 times taller than the tallest building Burj Khalifa. The possibilities for disaster, and for amazement are absolutely endless.