activity1. laying down 2. sitting 3. walking 4. jogging 5. RUNNING | ranking1. sitting 2. laying down 3. walking 4. jogging 5. running | number of pulses in 15 seconds1. 12 2. 11 3. 26 4. 29 5. 32 | x4 x4 x4 x4 x4 x4 | heart rate1. 48 2. 44 3. 104 4. 116 5. 128 |
| ANSWERS1. The running I would say increased my heart rate the most. 2. The activity that decreased my heart rate the most was sitting down 3. I really don't see where I could have gone wrong in the process 4. that my heart rate started to at first rapidly increase but towards the end of the list it was almost the same. 5. because when I was more active my heart was more active increasing the heart beats per minute |