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Reflection Something definitley hard for me was the deadline. I was nowhere near done when it was at the deadline time. Something easy was uploading the video at the deadline, and the reflection. The video was easy because all I had to do was take the screenshots upload to iMovie and then to Youtube. Something I could have done better was the model or my essential question.
Mrs. Stein
10/20/2013 01:10:51 pm
Wow Sadie! This was a big undertaking. I think it is fabulous that you are planning to go back to this project during the year to work on it. This project explains in a small way why video games and movies take so long to get to people. Excellent work with details DOES take a long time.
10/25/2013 06:20:24 am
Thanks for commenting! I do agree if I were to make a worksheet people would get it! But a video can help process more, way more. Thanks.
Jeremy Bms Stundent
10/21/2013 02:49:42 am
Have you thought of using white stained clay instead of quartz , also using pots to hold the flowers in will make it neater , I believe you are using the phone version so I don't know if they have that ( I play on pc).Using glass panes for windows would look cool to. I really like how you are using mine craft for this project and I think it is a cool idea
10/25/2013 06:22:05 am
I think all of suggestions are awesome! But unfortunetley I am using PE Edition : ( But when I get PC version I will use these. Thanks
Noble Bms Student
10/21/2013 02:56:35 am
I can relate to this because I tried to make a white house in minecraft, and it ended up pretty good. So good job :D
10/25/2013 06:24:09 am
WOW! So many people try the monuments its insane. I think it's cool yours worked (unlike mine) Have you made any other monuments? I've only made my house and this one.
Alex Bms Student
10/21/2013 02:58:58 am
I thought you've done a great job with the mine craft white house thing. But explain how you created it and why you did it i am not sure that project is not really explaining how you did it or why you did it.
10/25/2013 06:26:31 am
I thought it was great when I submitted it! But when I look back I totally agree, trust me I'm not just sucking up, I totally agree. I've seen ones that make mine look like an ant next to a giant. Thanks for the help!
drake nichols
10/21/2013 03:05:35 am
Good variables to affect you project.
10/25/2013 06:27:14 am
Kenzie Bettendorf 8th grade student
10/21/2013 03:06:42 am
I think the minecraft building was really good. But why did you do it on minecraft though. Im not really sure it explains your project that well.
10/25/2013 06:30:43 am
Okay... I did it in Minecraft because it would be fun! My teach said that we had to learn too. My learning was what to do next time I use Minecraft, I do agree on the last part in a way, I think it dosent explain why I did this or what I learned. Thanks!
10/21/2013 03:19:43 am
I agree with Alex because I'm not really sure how you made this. I think you should make a video or a page saying how you made this. I'm not really sure why there are farm animals running around at the white house.... ??
paige bms
10/21/2013 03:21:33 am
I was wondering why there are pigs?
Peyton W. (BMS 8th Grader)
10/21/2013 07:42:08 am
On Minecraft, there are usually a lot of animals roaming around the landscape. Sometimes it can be a little hard to get rid of them.
10/25/2013 06:35:10 am
The pigs were when I got bored I probably should have killed before taking the pics. Thanks
Emily BMS student
10/21/2013 05:06:48 am
Very interesting, but I'm still wondering why you did it or how it was supposed to be beneficial to others, if it had to be beneficial.
10/25/2013 06:37:41 am
I don't really know how its supposed to be benificial. I mean it was fun and weird, but benificial? I don't know. You want benificial? See my next Passion Project, Pitbull Campaign!
10/21/2013 05:10:49 am
Consider describing why you wanted to make the white house on minecraft. Maybe you can make a tutorial of your own?
10/25/2013 06:39:47 am
I wanted to make it for fun, and to improve my skills. I didnt make a tutorial cuz I didnt have time, I like to make one though, Thanks!
Zach BMS
10/21/2013 05:11:54 am
Good white house. Our school is supposed to do projects that help other people. Are you guys just doing Q and A stuff.
Sara Bettendorf Middle School
10/21/2013 05:14:05 am
Very creative idea. I am wondering why you did this? You didn't really explain. I love making random things on minecraft. Next time try the PC version it could make it look nice and neat because sometimes the pocket edition doesn't work as well
10/25/2013 06:41:33 am
I agree! PE can look so sloppy. Plus I didnt have a choice I dont have PC yet... yet. Alot of people ask me what did I do this for? The answer is FUN!
Megan - BMS
10/21/2013 05:27:12 am
I found myself wondering why you did this project. I think that it is excellent that you are going to stick with your project and finish it.
10/25/2013 06:43:30 am
FOR FUN! Who said school had to be work? I want to finish it it stinks so far. Thanks
josh bms
10/21/2013 07:18:03 am
video could be how you made the white houes
10/21/2013 07:28:29 am
I don't understand why there were pigs in your video
Taylor BMS
10/21/2013 07:32:03 am
I really like your project, even though you couldn't finish it on time. And I was also wondering about the pigs, why are they there? I don't play minecraft so I don't know.
10/25/2013 06:47:58 am
I was bored. Pigs are so fun to spam! Thanks alot of people are critical, yours was so nice! Thanks
Scott BMS
10/21/2013 07:40:13 am
I like your project. And I wondering why there are pig in the white house.
10/25/2013 06:50:04 am
Pigs are so fun to spam! Try it in Creative in to lava and cactuses it is awesome! Thanks!
Alex Bms
10/21/2013 07:51:38 am
This is a great project to do. You put a lot of time and detail into this good job.
10/25/2013 06:51:24 am
Thanks.You should try if you have Minecraft it is sooo hard.
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Round 1
Focus Area
Students were allowed to pick any topic of interest to them. This round was focused on learning the process of Passion Time in the classroom and documenting our learning. Archives
May 2014