Today in science class we did an experiment in our muscles. We had to count every time we opened and closed a clothespin. A muscle fatigue is when your muscles get sore and tired.
In my data there was no pattern while I was recording it. The data was kinda all over the place.
My partners data did not have any pattern whatsoever. I mean some of our separate data were close together. It also depends on how much you were actually trying to press on the clothespin.
There was a small pattern which was that it kept going up and down randomly.
I think that my results are pretty reliable because if I compare it to my fellow 5th grade classmates they are probably in the same range of dat
In my data there was no pattern while I was recording it. The data was kinda all over the place.
My partners data did not have any pattern whatsoever. I mean some of our separate data were close together. It also depends on how much you were actually trying to press on the clothespin.
There was a small pattern which was that it kept going up and down randomly.
I think that my results are pretty reliable because if I compare it to my fellow 5th grade classmates they are probably in the same range of dat