K Abby- I don't really know anything about this except that it is a feeling. Julia- I know that the sixth sense is a feeling you can't really explain. | W Abby- I want to know how to explain this feeling, and if you can control it and use it. Julia- I want to know what the brain does when you feel it and how to realistically control it. | H (click on image above to make bigger) Abby- We will get this information from the internet. Julia- We will research to find information (internet). |
L Abby- We learned that the sixth sense is a feeling that people have, and it can save lives. Julia-I can't find many hard scientific facts about ESP, but I learned about the things people have done to test if ESP exists. | A Abby- We made a website with all of the information we learned about the 6th sense. Julia- We will publish our video on YouTube and try to get our website on Google. | Q Abby- My questions are how many people have ESP? Does everyone have it? Do you have to work to get it or does it come eaisily? Julia - Does anyone know the brain's scientific reaction to ESP? Are there any other names for it? How many everyday feelings and tests are associated with this? |
This was really fun. Our original question could not be answered (what happens in the brain hasn't yet been published online anywhere we looked), but the overall process was pretty cool. I especially liked learning about the kinds of ESP, or the sixth sense. I highly recommend looking at the website, or video at least. It was a challenge to mold something like this, an unanswerable topic, into a decent final project. I originally planned to do this alone, but I'm glad I had Abby's help. Some parts of the website were entirely her idea. My own personal website would have been much more boring.
This was a fun passion time, because I didn't even know what the 6th sense was until we started our project, so I learned a lot about it. The only problem was that there wasn't a lot of good and trustworthy websites on the sixth sense because a lot of people didn't believe in it. I had fun working with Julia, and I got to know her better through this round of passion time. I think I learned a lot from this round.