My Final Product Video: | My Final Product: My website! Visit me at link or click the picture above! |
| W
| H I will use the Internet to research different theories. |
| A I will try to get my website on Google and get people to watch my video. | Q
This project was really fun. After learning the basics of the Mayan culture in a school activity, I wanted to learn more. I had no idea how intricate the web of theories had been woven! It has been narrowed down into the "Most likely" theories and "Less likely" theories, and I felt that it was a great way to spend my time researching this! I can't wait to see how much my website expands!
This project was really fun. After learning the basics of the Mayan culture in a school activity, I wanted to learn more. I had no idea how intricate the web of theories had been woven! It has been narrowed down into the "Most likely" theories and "Less likely" theories, and I felt that it was a great way to spend my time researching this! I can't wait to see how much my website expands!