Niche Theory was a very good learning experience. We did a classroom meeting on this topic and watched a video about it. We learned all about how older siblings can grow up and become the person that they were designed to be. This can also be called a "niche that they were meant to be, such as an artist." But what we learned was that is you were an older sibling you would be more likely to grow up and be what you were designed to be because nobody would be there to say that they are better than you and you are bad at that one thing, such as art. But, if you were a youngest sibling and you loved to do art, but your older brother or sister was better than you at it, you would have competition to see who was better at art and you would lose, because you were younger and had less practice. Then since you lost you would give up on art and not try hard enough again. Then you would try to find something else that you would be able to beat them with, and you wouldn't be the person that you were meant to be. I learned that if you are an older or middle sibling you should try and give advice and support the youngest sibling and they will then likely keep trying and do well on that topic. That is why niche theory is so important.
Slide Show These are a few pictures of us listening to Mr. Solarz about niche theory and watching a few videos about it. We learned so much and from now on I don't think that I will be that mean to my brothers anymore. I will be more supportive to them about what they want to do. | Video |
Here are the instructions for the lesson: