Yesterday we were stopped for 2 hours from buffalo. We knew that we shouldn't have shot at the group of Buffalo because they would have stampeded, and ran us over. That would have been bad! It was a good sight at first, but then after a hour we got sick of it. Since they wouldn't move, we decided to stay there for the night, and we had a great feast of buffalo, antelope, sage hens, jack rabbits, potatoes, beans, rice, pickles, chocolate, and cake. It was one of the best meals we have had on the trip. The next day, we traveled to Fort Kearny and got some food to last us the rest of the month until the next fort. We lost a day from the Buffalo blocking us. We also got $14 from the pelts that we got along the way. We had $2.50 left over from buying all of our supplies. So, we had $16.50 all together, and we were sure that it would last us a while. But when we bought all the things we lost from the wagon that went in the river, we didn't have any money left over. Now we are worried about crossing another river! When we arrived in Fort Kearny, we got our first letters from our friends and family. We were so excited to see our letters.