I wanted to see which paper towel brand absorbed the most water and the science fair was a good and fun way to find out. At first I was not sure what to do like I was not sure if I should use a eye dropper or a measuring cup but then in the end I used a beaker and my experiment worked great. at first I thought that Bounty would absorb the most water but Brawny did. I think that this was a good idea and I had lots of fun.
I think that this was my best story that I wrote ever because I think in this story I used a lot of descriptive words.I also think that this was a fun thing to do because I got to use garage band and I also think that this was one of the most fun W.E.X lesson ever.I learned that I can make my story better by revising the story. When I revised I put things in or took things out to make the story better to have it make more sense. And when I read the story out loud it helped me edit the story.
Juliuse Sterling Morton was born in New York, and rased raised in Neabraska. Where Juliuse grew up there were not that many trees and he did not like that so he wanted to make a day up for them so that he could have some around him most of the time. The holiday was made in 1885 April 26 on a friday. The whole holiday was made just for trees. I like this holiday because it is baisedd on trees andd trees help us breath.
Mushrooms can grow and can only grow if they get water. It is a fungi not a plant but it needs water to grow anyways. It is a decomposed plant matter that grows when water hits it and then that is when the mushroom starts to grow,but it takes awhile because the water needs to get absorbed to get the mushroom to grow.
Lots of things need to use water to live, like pets at home like a dog or a cat , they need water to live and to bath in. Or a fish, They need water just to breath, they also lays there eggs there and then the mom leaves them and then the cycle happens all over again.
Also plants live off water,they need it to live or else they will die. also just out of the blue animals like a baer there food is there and that is whrere they get water. And a camelholds water in it hump and can drink it what |