Surface Water Concrete | Prediction I think it will just get absorbed in the water. sldkjfha sdkjflaskdhf laskdjhflaskdjhflak sjdhf | Actual It splashed as the drop hit the water, it absorbed into the cup, but some splashed upwards. skljdh flakjflaksjdhf laksjdhf lkajsdf laksjdhf lkajsdhf lkajsdhf lkajsdhf lka | Reflection I was a little surprised to discover that a small droplet of water splashed straight up, like we saw in the video! kljsdhf laskjdhf lasdjhf lkajsdhf lkasjdhf lkasjdhf laksjd flaskdjf alksdjhf alksdjhf alskdjf lkjh |
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