"Perhaps I could be of assistance-a-s-s-i-s-t-a-n-c-e,"buzzed an unfamiliar voice, and when he looked up he saw an enormous bee, at least twice his size sitting on the top of the wagon.(Eva)
Whether it will rain snow or hail. I need tools that can help me tell if it will rain or pour. Because there are sooooooooooo many types of weather. So i can't just look up in the sky and say it is raining or snowing or whether it will hail so please help. (Aidan) The whether man
im the giant. i am also the midget, the fat man and the thin man. i want to know why im pretending to be the fattest thin man, the thinnest fat man, the tallest midget and the shortest giant.
(Devon) Hi I'm Milo and I am wondering why the same person is acting as different people?(Eddie)
Hi,im Milo and I am woundering why do I want to save Rhyme and Reason.Is it because I feel bad for them or I don't know somthing else. Can someone please help me!
Hi I'm Faintly Macabre, and I can't seem to find any rhyme or reason here and Rhyme and Reason the girls are gone. I won't be leaving this place until I find Rhyme and Reason. Will any one help me? (Caroline)
Words are the best my people! I really hope the boy succeeds but if the mathmagician agrees then I will have to disagree. Hopefully I will not have to do that and if I don't well, they can't go still and oh this is very confusing. Sometimes I wish my brother and I could just get along and we weren't so greedy all the time. How do I get my brother to agree and me to aree without disrupting the peace. HELP! (Lara)
I am ryme and reson Will some one come rescue me i am hopeless and worried i have been here for ever. I have been stock here with my sister for ever now i hate my brothers. (Abby)
I cant wait to go save ryme and reason I am so scared but I am very excited and very scared because what if I get caught what if it is boring I am boring. I like boring things. (mallory)
Would somebody please go get Ryme and Reason they are the only ones that can set me free?
(Joanna) |
AuthorMr. Solarz is passionate about 21st Century Education and is hoping that his excitement and hard work encourages his students to always try their hardest and keep learning! ArchivesCategories |