Blogs (Checklists & Revisions)
Pop Math Division
Pop Math Multiplication
Check in on Spelling Homework with Mr. Solarz
Math Station
Game Station / Choose another station
Science / Social Studies Station
Writer's Workshop
Math Instruction with Mr. Solarz
Periods & Capitals Packet
Writing Endurance Station
- Get a "Completed Blog List" from the slot near the windows.
- Open your ePortfolio on one tab.
- Open my sample ePortfolio on another tab.
- Use the "Completed Blog List" as a checklist, and check them off the list as you see them. Make sure you have all of the requirements completed from my sample ePortfolio before you check it off the list.
- If you run out of time in class to finish the blogs, they are homework: Due on Monday.
- When you are finished with all of the blogs and are ready for Mr. Solarz to grade them, put your name and number on the list, and turn it into the black basket. Be ready to conference with him on your blog entries soon.
- Choice Time.
Pop Math Division
- Grab an iPad.
- Open "Pop Math."
- Select an appropriate level of division to practice and do so for the entire 15 minute period.
- Put the iPad away.
Pop Math Multiplication
- Grab an iPad.
- Open "Pop Math."
- Select an appropriate level of multiplication to practice and do so for the entire 15 minute period.
- Put the iPad away.
Check in on Spelling Homework with Mr. Solarz
- Meet with Mr. Solarz and other students at the center table to check in on your Spelling Homework completion.
- If you are behind, you will have to spend some time during Homework Club finishing your work with a penalty.
- Silently read a book of your choosing (it cannot be your Lit Circle book).
- SQUIRT stands for "Sustained Quiet Uninterrupted Reading Time."
- Get one of the packets out of your CTAC bin by the microwave.
- Get an iPad or computer and watch the "Video Tutorial" I created about your packet online - here are the links: Venn Perplexors, Word Meaning and Reasoning Strategies, Visual Descriptions.
- When you understand what you are doing, try the next puzzle. If you have any problems, go back to the video. If you completely understand it, finish the puzzle and check your answer at the Answer Center by Mr. Solarz.
- After you have done 3-5 puzzles, show Mr. Solarz during one of his free blocks and he will let you know if you are ready to create your own "Explain Everything Video Tutorial" to put onto the internet. (You will do the next new puzzle in your packet as the tutorial.)
- CTAC Stands for Choice Time Activity Center.
Math Station
- Follow the directions of the activities at the Math Station.
- Before you move on to the next station, you MUST put everything back the way Mr. Solarz wants it to look!
Game Station / Choose another station
- If you don't think you can handle the challenging puzzles or games set out, you can go to another station of your choosing, but you must make your decision in the first 5 minutes of the rotation!
- Follow the directions of the activities at the Game Station.
- Before you move on to the next station, you MUST put everything back the way Mr. Solarz wants it to look!
Science / Social Studies Station
- Follow the directions of the activities at the Science or Social Studies Station.
- Before you move on to the next station, you MUST put everything back the way Mr. Solarz wants it to look!
Writer's Workshop
- Sit where your schedule tells you to sit. You may have others nearby (you might not). If you have neighbors doing Writer's Workshop, you should collaborate with them whenever necessary.
- Follow the directions in the packet Mr. Solarz gave you. It's especially important to read and follow the schedule on the front of the packet. For example, Day 1 is just brainstorming & writing down topics to write about for the whole period. Day 2 is just organizing your thoughts for your first story.
- Each rotation is considered "a day."
Math Instruction with Mr. Solarz
- Mr. Solarz will give you directions, but you need to sit at the center table with a pencil.
Periods & Capitals Packet
- Complete the packet on periods and capitals that is in your CTAC bin. Follow all the directions!
Writing Endurance Station
- Write a full page during your 15 minute rotation using the prompt given before you can go on to your next station.
- The goal of this station is to increase your writing speed.