K I know that one roller coaster was showed in 1992 so there feet were dangling. Then there was a roller coaster that went 415 feet high and 100 miles per hour. I also know that the first roller coaster was made by the Russian. The oldest roller coasters was made in 1904. I know that they are fast and cool. | W I want to know about a lot of the history of roller coasters. I would also like to learn what supplies I need to build a model of the roller coaster. | H I will find this out by looking in books and online to get the info I need. |
LI learned about the history of roller coasters and how they have changed over time in many ways. I learned that roller coasters are made out of many different materials like wood or metal. | AThe action that I will take is to show people how the roller coaster work and the history about the roller coaster. | QHow did people think up of the Ice Slides? How did people think of the idea of the roller coasters? |
Refection :
Giana's reflection I learned that there were many different kinds of roller coasters and they have changed over time in many ways. This passiontime was hard first we were planing on having Popsicle sticks to support it then we finally got it. I also learned about roller coasters work and how they make the sustems. This project was very hard and we had a bunch of troble with it but in the long run still finished it in the 2 periods we had left. | Anthony's reflection This passion time was hard first we were planing on having Popsicle sticks to support it then we finally got it. I learned so much about the roller coasters. all about their history. This passion time was fun but hard but fun. I also learned so much about roller coastersand history even how the roller coasters work. |