In order to survive, we all need to quickly learn a trade, start earning some money, and find a place to live. Along the way, we will hopefully meet some interesting people and discover some interesting facts about our country's history!
Here is what we need to accomplish today:
- Look through the list of occupations here or here or here or here or here that were available in 1768 Boston and choose one to try to learn (make sure it is appropriate for an elementary school student to learn about). Your number in class corresponds to the letter of the alphabet you need to choose from (e.g. 1=A, 2=B, 3=C, etc.).
- Create a page on our shared Google Presentation that explains your occupation to others.
- "Search" the town for someone who will consider hiring us.
- "Find" a place to live.
- Determine your persona based on information from this time period (Keep your first name, but your job becomes your new last name).
- Create a Voki introducing yourself with the following details: your name, your apprenticeship, why you think you have been transported to 1768 Boston, and what you hope to learn while here.
- Embed your Voki on your ePortfolio - no need to add a reflection (it is built into the Voki). You can, however, add more details to your blog entry by including photos of your job site or home, etc.
- Below your Voki, you need to start writing in your "journal." Describe the following in your post:
2. Where are you living? How hard was it to find? Do you have to pay anything or do any work to sleep there?
3. Describe what your first day in Boston has been like (remember, you are a 5th grade student from 2013 who is trying to get used to living in 1768, Boston!).