| I wanted my students to to do a couple important tasks on the first day of school, so I found a way to combine them into one activity! Efficiency! Since it's the first day, some of us don't know everyone! A mixer is a nice, old-fashioned way of getting to know each other & building community in the classroom! Instead of the traditional walking around mixer, I decided to do a techie version that requires students to embed a URL on their blog & comment on each others' posts!!! (I bet these kids never expected this on the first day!) The 21st Century Skills I chose to focus on during this activity:
I wanted to get technology into my students' hands right away, because we needed to establish some daily routines, access some information online, and I needed my kiddos to pass on some details to their parents after school. I also wanted my students to access their GMail to accept invitations to our Weebly site, and learn how to create blog entries.
Here is a link to one of my students' blog entries where some peers listened to their Voki and have posted their guess as to which one of the three facts was actually a lie: http://psolarz.weebly.com/58/post/2012/08/two-truths-and-a-lie.html