I tried to create a video for many of these skills over the summer, but man they take a long time to create!!! :) Instead of creating new videos for each skill, I will include some video snippets (I'm sure that's the technical term) from interviews with my students last year. Their explanation of each skill is often better than anything I could come up with!
The 21st Century Skills that we are working on in the classroom (in summary form):
Communicate Clearly
Collaborate with Others
Think Interdependently
Think Creatively
Work Creatively with Others
Implement Innovations
Apply Past Knowledge to New Situations
Think Critically
Make Judgments and Decisions
Ask Questions
Solve Problems
Metacognition (Thinking About Our Thinking)
Reflect and Synthesize
Adapt to Change
Think and Learn Flexibly
Demonstrate Learning Through All Intelligence Pathways
Manage Goals and Time
Be a Risk-Taker
Be Self-Directed Learners
Persist Despite Setbacks
Be Curious
Learn Continuously
Interact Effectively with Others
Work Effectively in Diverse Teams
Find Humor
Manage Projects
Produce Results
Guide and Lead Others
Be Responsible to Yourself and Others
Access and Evaluate Information
Use and Manage Information
Analyze Media
Create Media Products
Apply Technology Effectively
For a more thorough explanation of each skill, read the upcoming blog entries on each skill and the embedded 21st Century report card below. Don't forget to sign up for my RSS feed on the right side of this page!!! Thanks!