Today, students in our class used what they learned in our previous lesson on "What is Energy?" and "What Isn't Energy?" to create Energy Collages. Here's how we did it!
First, students set up two folders on their desktops and labeled them, "Stored Energy" and "Energy in Motion." We then signed into (thanks to Joey for remembering the correct password!). Students were given the task of finding images that represented various forms of energy, but they were not allowed to use the search terms: energy, stored, or motion. Once they found images that demonstrated energy, they needed to deposit them into the correct folder. Students were asked to find at least seven of each type.
Finally, students created a Word document (Google Docs had some trouble formatting my images) and dragged all of our images onto it. After creating a title and subtitle, we saved it as a PDF and tried (unsuccessfully) to post it onto our e-Portfolios. Once I realized that we needed to save them as JPG's we were out of time and decided to continue it tomorrow. So check out the students' e-Portfolios tomorrow to see their wonderful creations!
First, students set up two folders on their desktops and labeled them, "Stored Energy" and "Energy in Motion." We then signed into (thanks to Joey for remembering the correct password!). Students were given the task of finding images that represented various forms of energy, but they were not allowed to use the search terms: energy, stored, or motion. Once they found images that demonstrated energy, they needed to deposit them into the correct folder. Students were asked to find at least seven of each type.
Finally, students created a Word document (Google Docs had some trouble formatting my images) and dragged all of our images onto it. After creating a title and subtitle, we saved it as a PDF and tried (unsuccessfully) to post it onto our e-Portfolios. Once I realized that we needed to save them as JPG's we were out of time and decided to continue it tomorrow. So check out the students' e-Portfolios tomorrow to see their wonderful creations!