I spent 30 minutes today introducing the eight parts of speech, complete with posters, explanations, and examples. The students took notes while I lectured (21st Century???). I also let the students know that we would be learning about the intricacies of each part of speech through various websites. Today, we worked on nouns (common and proper, plural and singular, possessive, etc.). Here is a look at the page of links my students used:

My students were able to do this completely independent from me, while I worked on progress monitoring their oral reading fluency individually in the hall. Now, that doesn't mean it was silent! Students were actually seen walking around helping each other, asking questions, etc. This was a nice early check on their collaborative abilities! I was very impressed! Here were the steps they took to learn about nouns today:
- They went to our classroom website (psolarz.weebly.com) - you are actually there already! :)
- Then, they hovered over the "Present" tab, and clicked on "Grammar."
- The directions are pretty self-explanatory (as a matter of fact, your students could also follow the directions and do most of the activities themselves!).
- When they finished all of the activities, they were asked to complete the quiz. I used Socrative to create my quiz. Unfortunately, this one cannot be shared as is, because you have to be logged in to get the results. (If you set up an account, I would be happy to share the test with you, though!) I was able to access my students' scores, so now all I need to do is enter them into my gradebook! See below:
Their names are also displayed, but I cut those off (it is not alphabetical, instead it lists it in the order in which the quizzes were completed). The column heading "Progress" refers to how many questions they answered out of eight total. Since question #1 was "What is your name?" that one did not have an answer, so their scores were out of 7 total points. (The 0/7 scores were the times I opened the test and closed it to make sure it was working!) Overall, I am pretty happy with the results considering it was our first time working independently with a time limit. They were all required to do the activities and take the quiz in one hour. I will spend ten minutes reviewing the specifics of nouns on Thursday before we work on pronouns and repeat the process. |