Day 1:
What do we need to do when we land?
Brainstorm a list here. Write in your row only. (Number 1 goes to row 28.)
Be ready for some interruptions. There has been some trouble happening!!!
Of the ideas you came up with, what should we do first?
If you think we should build something on Mars first, go to the coat rack side of the classroom.
If you think we should do something else, go to the windows side of the classroom.
Break into smaller groups based on your beliefs about what we should do first, explain why and how, and get ready to explain it to the whole group.
Day 2:
Continue your discussions in committees about what we should do once we arrive on Mars.
Be ready to explain your ideas, as well as your plan for making it happen to the whole group. If it is different from what we already have, create a new blog entry on our Colonizing Mars blog ("Claiming Mars for Ourselves") that explains what your plan is and how you expect to get it done.
Be ready for some interruptions. There has been more trouble happening!!! Should we just let this trouble continue, or should we do something about it?
Put your group's idea here with an explanation why and how you will get it done.
What do we need to do when we land?
Brainstorm a list here. Write in your row only. (Number 1 goes to row 28.)
Be ready for some interruptions. There has been some trouble happening!!!
Of the ideas you came up with, what should we do first?
If you think we should build something on Mars first, go to the coat rack side of the classroom.
If you think we should do something else, go to the windows side of the classroom.
Break into smaller groups based on your beliefs about what we should do first, explain why and how, and get ready to explain it to the whole group.
Day 2:
Continue your discussions in committees about what we should do once we arrive on Mars.
Be ready to explain your ideas, as well as your plan for making it happen to the whole group. If it is different from what we already have, create a new blog entry on our Colonizing Mars blog ("Claiming Mars for Ourselves") that explains what your plan is and how you expect to get it done.
Be ready for some interruptions. There has been more trouble happening!!! Should we just let this trouble continue, or should we do something about it?
Put your group's idea here with an explanation why and how you will get it done.