Every person is allowed to bring 50 pounds of personal supplies. They must fit everything into a large suitcase on wheels. Brainstorm a list of things you think you would like to bring and prioritize them. Determine which things you can fit into your suitcase & whether or not they would be heavier than the 50 pound limit. Eliminate things you don't HAVE to have, or won't fit due to size or weight. Create a Google Spreadsheet and list everything you plan to bring. When you are done, take a screen shot (or multiple screen shots) of your list and put them onto a blog entry you entitle, "The Supplies I Get to Take With Me to Mars!" The following items are taken care of for you by NASA:
| It's a 6 month journey to Mars with little to do. Bring enough stuff to keep you busy and happy on your trip and once you get there! |
Next, decide what materials you will need to do your job successfully. Add it to our Google Spreadsheet, one supply per cell. I will demonstrate.
Finally, let's make a list of everything that is provided for all of us on the space ship here.
Finally, let's make a list of everything that is provided for all of us on the space ship here.
Credit for Images above: https://ston.jsc.nasa.gov/collections/trs/_techrep/TM-2015-218564.pdf |