Sound- As I poured water into my classmates cup, it went sloosh and there was little circles going round and round, in and out.
Looks- When I banged on the table that had my cup on it, I saw that the water came from all sides to make a little hill in the middle of the cup. The little hill didn't last very long, though.
Smell- As I took a sniff of the water, all I could smell was the fresh, pure, cool liquid.
Taste- As the pure liquid filled my mouth, all left my head and water came to my mind. It tasted ordinary like breathing, and fresh like the pure air.
Feel- When the water hit my lips, it felt like I was getting hit with a cold, wet air. When I put my hand into the liquid it was room temperature.
Ice- Hard solid was cold and melting in my warm hand. My tongue almost froze as I ran it across the rocky surface. It tasted like a non-flavored snow-cone.