Water always finds a way out - I believe that this author was trying to say that water will always be there no mater what you can't make our fey rid of it. literally
For the benefit of flowers we need to water the thorns too - I think this means you have to go through the pain of making something challenging to get the cool outcome
Two waterfalls don't hear each other - I think this means that if you have two things that are over powering they can't calibrate.
The horse that arrives early gets a good drink of water - This quote reminds me of the quote the early bird gets the worm meaning that the faster you get there the better thing you will get to chose
Don't insult an alligator when your feet are still in water - I think this means if someone is having a bad day don't be mean to them because they will react worse than usual.
Heaven is dark but out of it streams clear water - reminds me of rain with the clouds being heaven.
For the benefit of flowers we need to water the thorns too - I think this means you have to go through the pain of making something challenging to get the cool outcome
Two waterfalls don't hear each other - I think this means that if you have two things that are over powering they can't calibrate.
The horse that arrives early gets a good drink of water - This quote reminds me of the quote the early bird gets the worm meaning that the faster you get there the better thing you will get to chose
Don't insult an alligator when your feet are still in water - I think this means if someone is having a bad day don't be mean to them because they will react worse than usual.
Heaven is dark but out of it streams clear water - reminds me of rain with the clouds being heaven.