When I poured to the water I heard a constant sound which was the same as a fountain I pass in my home in a small park area downtown they sound almost the same except the sound inclined on my pour and got a higher pitch.
I observed that the water glides with ease and creates a smooth perfect stream the seams to indent in and out like little divest.
When water is still it contains the same consistent volume as it blurs my vision from a view past it as I notice that it is bubble less and seams balanced also it takes the shape of the angle it is tilted on if it is.
When the water is shaken its waves crash agensed the cup sides like lake Michigan on a stormy day, it reminds me of when my friends and I made a title wave at my neighbors grandpas pool.
it smells like a nice breeze on a summer day reminding me of swimming in my local pool
it tastes cool pure and quenching refuling my body to go on it has a crisp sensation but yet maintains it wet stage of liquid.
it feels wet and has a smooth texture with a sort of calm beach like feel.
some differences between water vapor and ice is that they have very different sensations as in vapor is misty and has a cool but calm sensatin as ice has a harad core and slow progressing melt to it.
I observed that the water glides with ease and creates a smooth perfect stream the seams to indent in and out like little divest.
When water is still it contains the same consistent volume as it blurs my vision from a view past it as I notice that it is bubble less and seams balanced also it takes the shape of the angle it is tilted on if it is.
When the water is shaken its waves crash agensed the cup sides like lake Michigan on a stormy day, it reminds me of when my friends and I made a title wave at my neighbors grandpas pool.
it smells like a nice breeze on a summer day reminding me of swimming in my local pool
it tastes cool pure and quenching refuling my body to go on it has a crisp sensation but yet maintains it wet stage of liquid.
it feels wet and has a smooth texture with a sort of calm beach like feel.
some differences between water vapor and ice is that they have very different sensations as in vapor is misty and has a cool but calm sensatin as ice has a harad core and slow progressing melt to it.