"Water chemists identify and quantify the chemical components and properties of a certain water'' Water chemists also put chemicals together and take them apart to create new substances or solve problems. Most of the chemists work in a laboratory and others work outside. Chemists judge how clean the water in areas is. There are 1 type of chemists there are environmental chemists.Water chemists is often the groundwork of studies of water quality, pollution, hydrology and geothermal waters.
(1) What would your life be like with out water? Life with out water would be awful lots of things us water like your shower or bath you would smell awful and your hair would get all greasy and gross. Also there would be no ocean,lakes,or pools. There would be no water for plants or grass so their would also be no photosynthesis and then there would be no oxygen so we would die.
(2)What would the lives of animals or plants be like without water? The lives of animals and plants would be very bad because without water nothing can grow or live. Water is a key thing for all living things. Plants would die and dry out and we use a lot of the plants to get are daily nutrients. (3)What do we need to do to have water in our lives? We should recycle to save are clean water. Hydro power can power are world so we should keep are water clean and easier to use and find. Water is a important substance in the world the world is at least 75% water! (4)what makes water an interesting topic to learn about? Water is an interesting topic to learn. You always learn new things about water. Water is interesting in so many ways because water is a mane thing in our world (5)why would it be important for scientists to study water? water could be used in so many more ways if the scientist could research on more. Water is cool in so many ways because it can never be destroyed and it could become something new. Water is amazing it needs to be discovered more Group One- Month Facts
* I think they could be a little more loud * I think this is cool to hear about the calenders and day leap year and all the other stuff they talked about * Its cool to hear about why the names of the months are what they are Group Two- Authors Inspiration * I can't read the text * she could read a little slower * I like how she did 3 different authors * I like how the books where different genres Group Three- History of the internet and who contributed to it *I like how much facts are in it *They need to talk louder when they talk Sound- When I poured my cup of water into my partners cup it had a calming sound of water sloshing around between Sight-When the area around the flat as glass water is pounded on the water does a swirl of a ripplethat looks like the circles keep getting smaller and smaller. When the water is poured into my partners cup small air bubbles rise to the top of the clear water top. Scent-When my nose came to whiff distance of the water I could smell the the pure crisp taste of the water as the aromas of the water came to my nose. Taste-As the water approached my lips i felt the crisp refreshing water go down my throat as it felt cold and pure as it reached my stomach. touch- As my pointer finger came in contact with the cold liqued subtance the first thing that came to my mind to me was water.as my finger moved the cold water around the cup I was able to feel the air bubbles rise to the top of the cold water. the differencce between ice and water are the ice is much colder to the touch of water. The ice is also is much harder then water. There is also a difference between water and water vapor because Last summer when I was 10 it was a nice day out and i was really bored so i took my dog Zoey out for a little makeover day so i took my brother Connor and my grandpa out side to help me with washing Zoey. I remember that we could hear the birds chirping and the fountain trickling. I grabbed the hose, The coconut scented doggie soap,her chicken flavored tooth paste,a old toothbrush,some towels,a blow dryer,And her leash. Then I told Connor to hold Zoey's leash so she won't run away, Then i grabbed the hose and sprayed her. Next I squeezed some of the coconut scented doggie soap all the way down her back. After that i rub all of the soap all over her body after that i turned the hose back on and sprayed her till all the soap was gone, Then all of the sudden Zoey started to shake and me my brother Connor and my grandpa got all wet. so we grabbed the hose and started having a spray off with her and once we finished i gave her a big hug and she felt all wet soon after every one went inside i took the toothbrush and the toothpaste and brushed her teeth and gave her another big hug followed by a big kiss on the head. then started to dry her off with the towels and then followed by the blow dryer. After that I let Zoey inside and a sat out there for a few more minutes and thought that was really fun and I was glad i did it
May 2013
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