Questions 1. Do people really struggle to find clean drinking water? 2. What percent of Air, Ground, Surface, and Ice? 3. What percent of Salt and Fresh water is there? | Answers 1. Yes. There are a lot of people that do struggle to find good clean drinking water. There are family's and kids that really struggle. Unlike us by the Great Lakes they struggle and it is very hard to find clean drinking water. 2. I think that there is 50% of Air water in the Earth. I think that there is 20% of ground, 10% ice and 20% surface. 3. I think that 65% of the Earth is Salt water because of the Oceans and then the 35% fresh water. There is a lot of Lakes, but there are also a lot of Oceans. |
Notes for Demonstrations
- people cannot access fresh drinking water
- each milk carton is 10% of the water
- 97.24% of Earths water is salt water
- 0.001% of the Earths Water is in the air
- 0.01% of the Earths Water is surface water
- 0.61% of Earths Water is ground water
- 2.14% of Earths Water is ice water
My Reflection

This was a really surprising demonstration. It showed many things about water. It showed us how much water percentage there is on the Earth. For example, I didn't know there was so much salt water on the Earth! There is like no fresh water compared to salt water. Then there were these crazy low numbers for water in the Earth. There was less then a hundredth of a percent on the Earth of air water. They were pretty low you have to admit. This surprised me because I thought that the air would be able to have the most water out of all of them. I thought that because there is a lot more air in the Earth then land and surface water. This was a great experience to learn about water.