I Almost "Drowned"
I went to a golf tournament I had just played in and someone had a pool in their backyard. Everyone else was going to it, so I begged my mom and dad to please let me do it too. When I finally got them to say yes we were in the house. The only problem though was I wasn't the greatest swimmer in the world. Since there was a lot of people swimming there it was going to be hard. It also was like 20 feet only so it was going to be really hard to swim. I got in the water with an extra pair of shorts I had. There was probably 7 people in the pool. I grabbed on the pole to get down in the pool. There was somebody right below me and I didn't know. Luckily I plopped in the pool right after where he actually was. The pool was about five feet deep. I was holding on to the side because I am not a good swimmer. The pool was in the shape of a circle and had railings you could hold on if you weren't a good swimmer. I was holding on to those railing moving with the pools circular shape.
I went around a few times,but then somebody jumped in and cut me off. I lost my handle on the railing and slid down. Really I didn't know what was happening until my hole body was in the water. I then sort of started to freak out because I didn't know what to do! i couldn't scream for help because I was under water. The oldest person by me was like 8 and I was 6! That meant I was going to have to figure out how to get out by myself. I have been under for like three seconds,but I still thought I was going to drown. Luckily, I was right by the ladder where I got in. I squinted my eyes under the water to see where I was.
After looking around for 1 second. I found the ladder. I reached out my farthest stretch of my arm and got the ladder. I put my foot on the ladder and then my other foot. I climbed up and took a very deep breath. I was still freaking out in my mind. I ran out of the room to my dad to go change. That was not fun.
I went around a few times,but then somebody jumped in and cut me off. I lost my handle on the railing and slid down. Really I didn't know what was happening until my hole body was in the water. I then sort of started to freak out because I didn't know what to do! i couldn't scream for help because I was under water. The oldest person by me was like 8 and I was 6! That meant I was going to have to figure out how to get out by myself. I have been under for like three seconds,but I still thought I was going to drown. Luckily, I was right by the ladder where I got in. I squinted my eyes under the water to see where I was.
After looking around for 1 second. I found the ladder. I reached out my farthest stretch of my arm and got the ladder. I put my foot on the ladder and then my other foot. I climbed up and took a very deep breath. I was still freaking out in my mind. I ran out of the room to my dad to go change. That was not fun.
Touch Water is cool. Sways when touch it. Slippery where water is. The longer my finger was in there it got colder. | Smell It smells like nothing. Smells like cardboard. It smells like a chemical the doesn't smell bad. | Sight Looks clear. If you have a birds eye view it looks like the ground/table is closer than it actually is. When you look through side it looks blurry. When you poor it,it bubbles up a bit. | Hear Sort of ocean sound echoing through the cup. It sounds like a bubbling up sound. |