- You need to think about all of the supplies you bring.
- The wagon that we will be traveling in is about the size of a car.
- While we are on the Oregon trail we will be doing a lot of hunting for food.
- The predators will try to horas you.
- The wolves are about a meter tall.
- If you want to know the difference between a coyote and a wolf just look at the ears because you will be able to tell that the coyote has the bigger ears.
- The coyote has a longer mussel and the wolf has a more dish shape head.
- The coyote is smart enough because they start to cry or whimper and they want to have the dog to come over to him and then he gets up really fast and snatches the dog way so then it becomes dinner for there family.
- A wolf can eat about 80 quorter pound burgers in 10 -15 minutes because it only gets to eat about 2 or 3 times a week so they need to eat as much as they can so other predators don't eat there food.
I was really suprised when he said that the bears beat the wolves because he was like " What do you think is going to happen" but his voice was kind of like persuading me to think that the smaller animal would win. I thought that this was really cool and fun because learning about wolves and coyotes was really interesting.
- Larger wagons require larger animals who can pull it.
- two or three smaller wagons might be better then on big wagon.
- Most of the time you would be walking the trail but if you are sick or if you are old or if you are a baby you would be sitting and riding in the wagon.
- The most common sickness that people would get was unsanitary conditions.
- If you don't have any fuel for making your dinner or meals then you would have to use cow chips because that is used for heating certain things up.
- There are many bugs, snakes, bee's, wolfs, coyotes and many other different types of bugs and animals that can hurt you and get you sick. You need to be careful because you don't have any bug spray to keep you safe.
- Badgers are related to skunks.
- coyote's has a coat of hair called guard hair this protects them from snow and rain.
- There are many different wolfs there is a wolf called a gray wolf but he is only found in the Arctic.
- The webbing on the wolf paws act like they are snow shoes.
- If you brought a pet on the oregon trail and it went to go do it's business the next morning another type of animal like a coyote or a wolf went to go sniff it because those types of animals have a very good sense of smell.
- Some of the animals on the oregon trail carry disease like rabies.
- An eagle can kill a full sized deer.
All of these animals above are on the Oregon trail. These are some of the animals that you are gonna need to watch out for so they don' t get anyone sick or eat you food.
Reflection: during our second mystery Skype I learned a lot about the bald eagle, the deer, the elk, the badger, the rattle snake, the black bear, the bision, the gray wolf, and the coyote. I really liked learning about all of these animals because they are really fun to learn about. At first I thought this wasn't going to be fun to learn about but when Richard was explaining it, it started to get a lot more interesting.
Reflection: during our second mystery Skype I learned a lot about the bald eagle, the deer, the elk, the badger, the rattle snake, the black bear, the bision, the gray wolf, and the coyote. I really liked learning about all of these animals because they are really fun to learn about. At first I thought this wasn't going to be fun to learn about but when Richard was explaining it, it started to get a lot more interesting.